20 June 2010

The perfect boyfriends is BORED!

Hey guys this is my random thought, I never ever thought that I would have a boyfriends like this! I think this is too much drama, too sweet and so dramatic :(
So maybe you're boyfriends is one of this random, so CHECK IT OUT :

1. He would scream "I love you" down the halls. Not caring who heard him.
2. He'd go on a walk with me in 40 degree weather. Hot cocoa in one hand. My hand in his other. He'd sing outloud to any song. Even if I call him retarded. He let's me sing outloud and won't call me weird.
3. He'll sit outside with me on my front step because there's nothing to do.He won't say he's bored once, he'll let me look like srap.
4. Wearing a big t-shirt and short still calls me beautiful.
5. He'd write me thousands of notes everyday at school.
6. He'd come to my house at nine in the morning to wake me up on the weekends. He'll take me to the park and push me on the swings.
7. He won't be shy around my family, but acts like he's part of it. He'll argue with my friends that he loves me more.
8. He'll keep every single promise he makes.
9. He'd run up and hug me whenever he sees me.
10. He won't be scared to dance in front of me or act retarded.
11. He'll spend my birthday with me and my crazy family.
12. He wears my favorite shirt of his every monday.
13. A boy who won't ask me whats wrong when look sad. He'll just kiss me on the forehead.
14. He'll give me his sweatshirt even if he's freezing. He won't make me feel guilty about it.
15. He'd never get jealous, because he already knows that I love him more than anything.
16. When he says forever, he means it. No matter what :)

19 June 2010


HaHaHa ga ada kerjaan nih sekarang, jadi males deh. Ini lagi di perjalanan mau ke pengandaran dan buset aja ga nyampe-nyampe daritadi. Mana bb off dan tarif m3 naik loh sial ya? Hmmm mari berbalik ke axis yang dapet gratis nelfon juga :D
Seharian nih bb off, ntar kalo udah sampe mau minta balikin pulsa gue ah. Gile aja lagi cekak gini malah dikerjain lagi, ga tau apa dia gue bete dijalan and Dunno what to do bgtbgt!!!
Hari pertama udah diwarnai dengan nangis-nangisan ke mama, as usually they made me cried! I know it's not a big thing, but it was a big thing for me! They being so annoyed! And I'm not in a good mood at the time.


I've been thinking about our first date. How we missed the movie we wanted to see, so we had to see that crappy one, but it didn't matter because we weren't paninng attention to it anyway. And we almost got in trouble when the light came on. And you made me take you to chik-fik-a which inspired your tradition of making me take you to fast food restaurants on special occasions, I remember how my heart felt like it was going to burst the first time I saw you walk up to my car. That was one of the greatest days of my life